Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska



Unique Area Identifier612425
NameNeligh City 2nd Ward
CountyAntelope County
Area (square miles)0.65
Land Area (square miles)0.64
Water Area (square miles)0.01
% of Land Area98.25
% of Water Area1.75
Latitude of the Internal Point42.13188390
Longtitude of the Internal Point-98.03459840
** Data sources from census 2010 **



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Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Dashed Border) Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Light Gray Border) Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Dark Gray Border) Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Gray Gradient Fill with Shadow) Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Blue Gradient Fill with Shadow) Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Solid Fill with Shadow) Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Bright Blending Fill with Shadow) Neligh City 2nd Ward, Antelope County, Nebraska (Radial Fill with Shadow)
